Medina County Guardianship Training Video.
You can also view the Guardianship Training video on our Medina Probate-Juvenile Court YouTube channel.
After viewing the Guardianship training video, please complete the acknowledgment of training form and return it to:
Medina Probate Court
225 E. Washington St., 4th Floor
Medina, Ohio 44256
Acknowledgement of Guardianship Training (pdf)
DownloadPursuant to Administrative Order 2017-0001, individuals who are serving as Guardians over the Person Only of an incompetent adult who are related to the ward by consanguinity, (a blood relationship) or affinity, (kinship by marriage) and members in good standing with the Medina County Probate Court's Volunteer Guardianship Program are exempted from the Adult Guardianship Continuing Legal Education requirements unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
Please visit the Ohio Supreme Court website for more information on Guardianship Fundamentals and Continuing education.
Those wishing to attend sessions must register online with the Supreme Court of Ohio Judicial College.
Medina County Probate and Juvenile Court
225 E. Washington St., 4th Floor, Medina Ohio 44256
Probate 330-725-9703 Juvenile 330-725-9709